The Perfect Breakfast

What is the perfect breakfast? The answers can vary depending on when you ask me this question. If you asked me 15 years ago, my answer would be nasi kuning and bubur ayam. If you asked me 8 years ago, my answer would be a cup of coffee and gorengan.

But if you ask me this question now my answer will be nothing. I don’t eat breakfast. I’m doing intermittent fasting to do a calorie deficit to help me lose weight, and of course, I work out for 46 minutes on an empty stomach too, or fasted exercise.

I skipped breakfast and just went for lunch, so lunch was the first time I ate that day around noon and I only had 4 to 6 hours to eat before I started my fast again. This is the best method to help me lose weight and gain some muscle.

So that’s my answer, the perfect breakfast for me now is nothing.

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